The RMS Station is up and running using Sound card technology. I am running a Compaq computer with XP, running AGWPE and WL2K RMS. The setup for these programs was real easy KC2RLM has a good tutorial for the setup. The sound card interface is a Rigblaster Nomic. The Nomic performs very good and is easy to setup. The 2m radio is a Radio Shack HTX-242. This radio is an older 2m radio but does a really good job with packet. You can still find these for sale on Ebay and other places. The antenna is a Diamond CP22E at about 35 Feet. This antenna is a high-gain monoband antenna made from heavy-duty aluminum construction. It has 6.5db gain and rated to 200 watts. If you have a PSK31 or any other digital mode running, you can also run Winlink2000.