I now have BPQ32 up and running. It was a very intersesting ordeal, but I am very pleased with the outcome. The site now has a node, BBS Mail and Chat, and Winlink RMS. I must thank Jeff WA4ZKO for his time and help in making this happen. This node is now connected to a node in Owensboro and Dry Ridge. Now it is time to build on this system and add users.
Hi Jim - Bill Erhardt K7MT Helena, Mt. I enjoyed reading your adventure with BPQ 32 etc. Presently I have RMS Packet on 145.010, APRS Igate on 144.390 and SGate on 145.825 ISS and NO-44. Radios are two Kantronics DVR 2-2's APRS/RMS and a MFJ 8621 ISS SGate. I am on solar 24/7 to upport these three very low power radios Kantronics 2 watts and MFJ 5 watts but they work great with some goog antennas. We have X1J4 packet nodes on 145.010 for RMS and Digis on 144.390 so a lot of power is not needed. I am thinking of going to BPQ 32 as I would like to add the internet connection, a BBS F6BBS I think still researching and put all the packet stuff I presently have under BPQ 32. Sounds like I am in for an adventure. Packet on 145.010 has picked up in the western Montana area and will be expanded next year so its time for a BBS instead of just connecting and saying hi and then disconnect. I know there are many other uses and we are getting packet in the State DES so EMCOM will include this mode. I am looking foward to the challange this winter and may ask a couple questions if you have time. Happy Holidaze !!! From Bill K7MT Helena, Mt. http://www.k7mt.com Pics of Ham Shack McMurdo station Antarctica.......
ReplyDeleteIs that node in Owensboro ky? and so what freq? I am in the western of ky running bpq32 and did not know what freq it is on....
ReplyDeleteIt is in Henderson KY on 145.010. Drop me an email my callsign at arrl.net