Henderson KY Winlink Gateway

Henderson Kentucky Winlink 2000 Gateway 145.010


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

SCI-6 PC Sound Card Interface Kit

I recently purchased a SCI-6 PC Sound Card Interface Kit from Unified Microsystems. Gary Sutcliffe, W9XT, makes a really good kit. It was well designed and inexpensive kit. The kit sells for $24.95 plus $5.50 shipping. I have built several sound card interfaces, but price wise this kit is hard to beat. This is because finding the needed parts is getting expensive and hard to find locally. If you have any soldering skills, this kit is fun and quick to build. It takes less than an evening to build with the great instructions that come with it. If you follow the guide and use good building techniques it will work the first time you hook it up. The only thing you need with this kit is the cables for your radio. Order this kit and get started with digital communications.



  1. Congratulations on your upgrade! You will enjoy the new privileges. The HF digital is fun but do not forget the other digital modes. 73

  2. so when you say "The only thing you need with this kit is the cables for your radio," what does that mean, exactly? I have a Yaesu FT891 and the SignalLink was a huge fail for me. What cables do I need to make this work? How would I find that information, since even the UM website doesn't give any hints. ;-) thanks!
